Christafari (the band in particular and most likely the DJ too) is another example of those providing a good service to I and I, by helping remove those who belong to them and not to I and I.
It is funny when people like them say things like "I used to be a Rasta". There doesn't exist any person who "used to be a Rasta", anybody who thinks they "used to be a Rasta" was never a Rasta in the first place.
RasTafarI never leave RasTafarI. Those people that claim otherwise are just people that thought they were joining a group when they didn't realize that there was never a group to join.
When I say RasTafarI never leave RasTafarI, it doesn't mean that anybody is forced to stay, it means that those who are RasTafarI are RasTafarI. They didn't decide to be RasTafarI, they are RasTafarI so they Live RasTafarI.
It is like a human saying they are not a human. RasTafarI is I and I Nature, and what is on the inside must be revealed.