When people consciously and intentionally Seek and Search their Irits, instead of just waiting for something to appear, they exercise the parts of themselves that are needed to open up the various Actions of the Irits.
When I and I train any part of I and I self, whether Iritually, mentally or physically, the rate of improvement increases, compared to not training. Things are figured out more quickly, and new (new in remembrance) things are discovered that might not have been seen if a person wasn't actively training.
If the I wants to find a particular Action, then first set the Intention within yourself to seek it, then try to do it. As long as the trying is not a try to fail, a try with doubt, but a try as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. If it is something that is for the I to do, then the I will Find it.
One example is to push out your thoughts and send messages to people the I knows, especially people who deal with their Irits. It doesn't matter how many times they don't hear. That will happen because both the sender is generations out of practice for sending it, and the hearer is generations out of practice for hearing it. This doesn't matter, because trying it is exercising that part of yourself, and giving the I opportunities to figure it out. In time, the I will sometimes send out a thought that others who are supposed to hear will hear, sometimes even without the I intention for them to hear, and probably more often, the I will start to hear other people's vibes, so the I will know when they are thinking of the I or in need of council with the I.
Eventually, when the I gets the vibes from somebody and thinks the I should call or see them, more often than not, they will tell the I that they were just at that moment thinking of the I, or talking about the I to others surrounding them. That situation happens to people from time to time, even when they don't seek it out, because it is a natural part of I and I. The difference will be in how often it happens, and how sometimes the I will even know some details of what they are thinking about.
And when the I seeks out other Actions, the I will find some things that most people never experience.
Too many people are not Active in seeking out the Actions of the Irits, and that is a great weakness to I and I, because the Irits are so Powerful, not only by itself, but also as an enhancement to both the Mind and Body.