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Time Zone: EST (New York, Toronto)
Messenger: Ark I Sent: 7/9/2004 11:43:56 PM

I feel that sunscreen is doing people more harm than good. Jah has already provided I and I with means to protect ourself from the sun.

A sunburn is the bodies way of healing damaged skin. It rushes blood to the surface of the skin, to heal and repair the skin and to carry away damaged cells and toxins. A tan is our bodies way of protecting ourself from the sun. The melanin in our skin absorbs the suns rays to protect our skin from damage.

There are many wavelengths in the light from the sun. There are the wavelengths of the different colours that we see in the rainbow. Then there are the wavelengths that we can't see (for example,UV and infrared), but they have detected them by other means. For a very long time, we didn't even know of the existence of UV, or infrared wavelengths in light. And there are probably many more wavelengths that we still haven't discovered.

So when I consider this, we might be disabling our bodies trigger to protect itself. If there are other wavelengths in light (I feel that this is not an "if" but a surety) then there is a good chance that some of these other wavelengths also cause damage to our skin. And maybe our body has developed a mechanism that uses UV wavelengths to trigger our natural protection and healing. So if we block the UV wavelengths, but the other wavelengths are still coming through, then we might still be damaging our skin, but our body doesn't know it because the trigger has been disabled. So we could still be damaging ourselves but preventing our only means to fix the damage and protect ourself for next time.

The news always speak about how the rates of skin cancer are always increasing. But if sunscreen is so good at protecting our skin, skin cancer should be decreasing, not increasing, because people are using sunscreen more and more.

If I assume that sunscreen actually does work to some extent, then there is still a serious problem that remains. We are weakening our bodies natural defense. Our body adjusts according to what is needed. So when people wash their hair every day, the body produces more oil, so hair would become greasy after only a couple of days. But when people wash their hair once a week, then the body changes and provides less oil, so the hair doesn't get greasy as fast. The same situation happens with antibiotics. When people use antibiotics they weaken their bodies natural immunity, because the body doesn't feel that it needs to produce it's own natural antibodies. So they are more at risk at getting sick, if they are not using antibiotics.

So after generations of using sunscreen. Our natural defences will be weakened, because the body will think that it is not necessary to protect itself from the sun. So if the sunscreen is taken away in the future, then we won't be able to protect ourself.

There has also been many reports saying that people are becoming deficient of vitamin D, because the use of sunscreen is preventing our bodies from converting the sun into vitamin D. So now the medical community suggests that people go outside for a few minutes without sunscreen so that they can get the vitamin D that they need. But people that have a tan, or people with black skin don't have this problem. Their skin protects itself from damage from the sun, and it still converts vitamin D and other nutrients as it is supposed to, because our natural defenses are perfect. Although black people should make a point to get out in the sun more during winter months in cold countries. Many black people are not getting enough vitamin D in the winters of cold climates, because their body blocks some of the vitamin D when it blocks the sun. White people have less of a problem in the winter because they lose their tan so their skin absorbs more sun and they get more vitamin D and other nutrients with less sun exposure. But white people also need to make sure to get more sun exposure in the winter because most still don't get enough.

It is much better for people to cover theirselves with clothing and hats, or go in the shade to protect themselves from sun damage. But we shouldn't hide from the sun, because this is also unnatural and unhealthy. I and I should spend time in the sun, but listen to our senses. Our skin will tell us when we need to cover up or go into the shade. And if we don't listen at the time, then the pain from the sunburn will remind us later. People who have a sunburn should stay covered and spend more time in the shade until the sunburn is healed. I and I need to learn to build up our bodies, not disable it.

Jah has provided I and I with everything we need.

Ark I
Haile Selassie I

Messenger: Empress Nzingha Sent: 7/10/2004 9:22:55 AM

Yeah, true things, good points. I n I also believe that the whole "need" for sunscreen is Babylon's destruction of Earth's natural defenses, ya check. When Babylon send poison into Jah sky it does break down, ya dig, and things that aren't supposed to get through to I n I skin does get through. So Babylon say put on Babylon protective lotion to protect I n I skin from Babylon damage, ya check, but that heck don't work. That heck does make it worse, so now I n I skin don't absorb free radicals and such, but at the same time, Babylon lotion does keep out Jah healing sun rays, ya dig. Ras must drink more clean water, that does lubricate I n I skin and clean I n I out. A drop of clarity, ya check. Peace and Blessings.

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 7/13/2004 9:34:01 AM

Yes I, babylon is always messing with the balance of nature with their foolishness, and then they bring in more foolishness to "fix" their first wickedness. But their "fix" is not a fix at all, no matter what they do, it is still not balanced.

They have to learn to start with balance, instead of imbalance, but their greed won't allow for that.

Ark I
Haile Selassie I

Messenger: Nefertiti Sent: 7/13/2004 10:26:48 PM


For the sunshine bredrens and sistren, Wear a lot of Coconut oil. It is quickly absorbed by the skin and is healing and moisturizing. Ironically it is also drying when it heals wounds.

I make coconut oil to cook with and for skin care. It is the only thing that goes on my skin(besides soap which contains coconut oil and essential oils for scent)

It is a quick healer too.

I site it is an excellent cure for any skin erruption. It is a blessed oil for massage. Use it for hair care too. Rub it on chest for colds.

When in the sunshine, drink WATER constantly. Actually drink water constantly everyday for skin hydration and digestion and purificatin of the temple.

Give thankd and Praises For Ark bring up these ESSENTIAL LIVITY topics.

Messenger: christof Sent: 7/14/2004 9:26:18 AM

I think the best way to protect yourself is to stay in the shaddow whenever possible. Some people like to hang around in the sunshine on very hot days, it is just foolish...
You can wear a hat that is hiding your face and neck from the sun...
doing sport in the shaddow is much better than sitting around in the sunshine
Everythin you put on your skin is useless . if it is sunscreen, make-up, even soap and shampoo -you do not really need it.

Messenger: Empress Nzingha Sent: 7/14/2004 11:35:46 AM

I n I does have very soft skin that is sensitive to any kind of sythetic things, so I n I does use a mixture of diffrent oils. Along with coconut I use olive, almond, avaccado, and essential oils for aroma especially lavender, very good for blemishes. I n I never put false things on my skin. I also have a sensitive system that doesn't accept unnatural chemicals, or meat other than fish, so water and fruit juice is the main part of my diet. If you keep your insides hydrated and the outside lubricated the sun is a welcome friend, not something to run from. But I n I does almost always have a hat or head covering in either cold or hot. The Idren must know that care of self is first in line.
Peace and Blessings.

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 3/9/2006 12:15:47 AM

In the news today they were talking about people not getting enough sun because they are avoiding it and using sunscreen to block it. They speak about how people are becoming deficient in vitamin D and vitamin D helps prevent diabetes and many types of cancer.

One news man was saying something like "The sun is good for you after all". It is such a joke to I, people have left everything natural. How could they ever suggest that sun is not good. Their scientists always make these closed minded foolish experiments and make false conclusions, and people follow these blind fools so easily.

Of course too much sun is not good, that is why your skin tells you when you have gotten too much. And if people would just listen to their senses, they would know how much is the right amount. I don't even believe that a little bit of sunburn is bad, the redness is the blood rushing through the skin to heal it and transfer nutrients absorbed through the energy of the sun. And eventually when their closed minded scientists get around to discovering more about the sun, they will not only speak about vitamin D, but they will speak about the numerous other nutrients we get from the sun.

Don't listen to the new lied-lines that these foolish people will give people concerning the sun. Become in tune and Listen to your senses and be honest about what you feel, and your body will tell you how much is the right amount.

And the statement that they make about any amount of sunburn means that your skin has been damaged is misleading. They make it sound like you are harming yourself, potentially fatally, if you let yourself get a sunburn even once.

Why don't these same people say also that people shouldn't exercise, even a little bit, because you are damaging your muscles if you do. The reason I say this is because any time a muscle gets bigger, it means it has been damaged. The way muscles grow is when people exercise, they make very small tears in their muscle, and when these tears are healed by the body, the body builds a little more muscle tissue to compensate so that the muscle is a little stronger next time. So damage isn't always bad, balance is what is needed.

When people get a sunburn, it is true that their skin has a little damage, but the body heals the damage and then builds up our tanning defenses to protect the skin better next time. Like I mentioned, as long as people listen to their senses and don't allow theirselves to become damaged by too severe or too many sunburns, they will be doing what is natural and their will be balance. Damage comes when we don't listen to our senses, or when we move too far from natural ways. The chemicals we have surrounding us is probably another reason why we are getting all kinds of cancers, we are weakening ourselves with imbalance.

Here are some of the news articles about their "new" findings.

Medical experts seek balance on soaking up rays
Last Updated Tue, 07 Mar 2006 18:02:22 EST
CBC News

Cancer, nutrition and dermatology experts are meeting to try to find a common answer to the question: how much sun is healthy?

Research suggests exposure to the sun produces vitamin D, but Canadians aren't getting enough during the dark months of winter.
Dr. David Hanley

Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium, which builds strong bones.

There is also evidence vitamin D may help protect the body from various forms of cancer, as well as hypertension, diabetes, and autoimmune diseases, said Susan Whiting, a professor of nutrition at the University of Saskatchewan.

But exposure to UV rays from sunshine or a tanning bed also increases the risk of skin cancer. Dermatologists have long maintained no amount of unprotected exposure is safe.

Sunscreen protects the skin but also blocks the rays that produce vitamin D. The vitamin can also be obtained from food and supplements, although it is difficult to get the right amount.

Since Dr. David Hanley of the University of Calgary did the study on vitamin D deficiency in Canadians, he and other experts at a meeting in Toronto this week are re-considering the advice to avoid the sun completely.

"That just doesn't make any biological sense to me," said Hanley. "I'm hoping that out of this conference will come some good recommendations for how we can direct research in vitamin D and sunlight exposure."

For some Canadians, a tropical beach is a reprieve from grey winter days.

"It just makes you feel more energized and it gives you a nice, healthy looking tan," said Catherine Brisbois, a Canadian tourist soaking up the rays in Cancun, Mexico. "I know that it's bad for the skin, but as long as you put on some sunscreen, I think there's a lot of benefits to sitting in the sun."

Experts caution the risk of skin cancer is real, but finding the right balance of exposure to the sun remains a challenge.

Experts debate clear guideline on sun exposure News Staff

Dermatologists have long preached against unprotected sun exposure.

But as evidence mounts that vitamin D, which the skin produces naturally when exposed to the sun, could prevent certain types of cancers, the need for a clear guideline on sun exposure is becoming increasingly necessary.

"There's been mounting scientific evidence to suggest that being in the sun unprotected -- that is, not using sunscreen -- may reduce your risk of some big cancers, like breast, prostate, colorectal and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma," Heather Logan, director of cancer control policy at the Canadian Cancer Society told The Canadian Press.

"But we know, based on a solid body of evidence, that exposure to ultraviolet radiation can increase your risk of skin cancer, premature aging and cataracts. It's not an easy situation to deal with, and what we don't want people to do is to end up outside unprotected -- to trade cancers for cancers."

What researchers have found, Logan said, is that exposing the hands and face to sunlight, without sunscreen, for just five to 10 minutes a week, will boost vitamin D levels - even on sunny days in winter.

In the summer, however, when UV levels are high, 20 seconds of sun exposure allows the body to produce 400 international units (IU) of vitamin D, which is the current recommended daily allowance in Canada and the United States for many age groups, Dr. Edward Giovannucci, a professor of epidemiology and nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health told CP.

The dilemma, experts say, is to find a consensus on how much vitamin D is required, and the best way to get it.

"Isn't it ironic that as we've recommended sun screen to be used, that the overall cancer rate has increased?" asked Dr. Bruce Hollis of the Medical University of South Carolina, appearing on CTV News.

In a bid to resolve the conflicting messages about sun exposure, a group of doctors and researchers are meeting in Toronto this week.

While Giovannucci pointed out that it is easy for the body to manufacture the recommended daily allowance of vitamin D, he was among several experts at Wednesday's sessions who suggested the amount was woefully insufficient.

"We generally make a lot less vitamin D from the sun than we used to, and there's not much vitamin D in foods,'' he told CP in an interview, noting that the nutrient is found naturally in cold-water fish like salmon and is added to milk.

"Cells are becoming relatively starved of the vitamin D ... and they can't really function 100 per cent properly. At least that's the hypothesis, that these lower levels of vitamin D may be increasing the risk of cancers and other conditions"

Particularly in the winter months, Giovannucci recommended that people should take vitamin D supplements, specifically the type known as D3.

"Probably 1,000 IU is a real minimum and realistically we probably need to go up to 2,000 IUs, which is the upper limit before you worry about toxic or adverse affects," he said.

Despite the evidence that vitamin D appears to have health benefits, some dermatologists remain reluctant to urge people to lie under the sun.

"What will we be telling people? Spend a little bit of time out in the sun and don't burn? It's a complicated message to give," Dr. Cheryl Rosen of Toronto Western Hospital told CTV News.

The Canadian Cancer Society, which sponsored the meeting, hopes to have a position statement advising Canadians on sun exposure guidelines mid-May.

Ark I
Haile Selassie I

Messenger: Dread Lion Sent: 3/9/2006 11:42:31 AM

Greetings, Peace Be With InI,

As has been noted many times,supporting Rasta businesses and NOT supporting offensive Babylonian businesses is a positive way forward.

I bredrin Ras Judah Dubey owns "Blessed Botanicals"; the bredrin makes and sells Ital herbal body care products [salves, creams, oils, balms, soaps, etc]. The I is very careful about the sources of all his ingredients and materials [organic, no synthetics, ethically wildcrafted, etc.].

Iman love his frankincense and musk (non-animal source) fragrance 'hair pomeade' for dread maintenance.

I bring this up because I just got some stuff from the bredrin and noticed he has added "Soothing After Sun Lotion" to his line.

I don't think the bredrin has a web page, but the I can be contacted at (541) 914-1660 or e-mail

"And JAH said, Ihold, I have given you every herb..." -Gen1:29

Messenger: Ras Sistren Khamyl Sent: 3/9/2006 11:58:30 AM

One thing Ras Sistren Khamyl will never overstand is how Babylon rationalize that sun is bad when all energy for earth come from sun?

Sun rise in east, and InI sick when in western hemisphere.


Messenger: Sis Irijah Sent: 3/9/2006 1:50:56 PM


pure shea butter on ya skin
even a light coating on just the scalp when in the sun will keep the skin protected
it is a wondrous thing shea it's pure form

Haile I
Selassie I
Sis Irijah

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Haile Selassie I