@ Ras-I-Tom
"What I ask Iself is did Leonard Howell really have access or hear His Majesty words, because a lot of what he says goes against His teachings. I get the vibe that he just spoke his own mind, and attributed it to His Majesty...which I can't agree with."
(end quote)
I hear some Rastas say the same words that you say, and I know alot of Rastas who agree with your reasoning. However how did Leonard Howell's words contradict with the teachings of his majesty? I have studied all of HIM's speeches, and I have never found any contradiciton between the father of the Rastafarian movement, and Rastafari HIMself.
Okay maybe this could be what is confusing you. You may be trying to say that Selassie I preached love, and Howell preached hate?
If this is what you are saying, then that is not true. Howell did not preach hate. Howell preached liberation. Selassie I also preached liberation and complete freedom of Africa and Africans in diaspora.
The difference between Howell and say a KKK member, is that the KKK have never been oppressed. The KKK have never been slaves, and the KKK have never been lynched from trees.
Here is a test to see if the white man love us as much as we say that we love him. Look if a thief steals your wallet and tells you to be his friend would not make any real sence. In order for us to be friends, you have to give me my wallet back. As being cherokee myself, how can the white man be friends with me, and he is not willing to give me my land back?
It is easy for the white man to spread love, once he owns everything. Before I can even begin to let bygons be bygons, I first want what the white man took from me. Leonard Howell wanted the same thing. What's wrong with that?