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Babylon burns ITSELF! JUDGEMENT!

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Time Zone: EST (New York, Toronto)
Messenger: Bro Jahphet Anbesa I Sent: 6/4/2004 1:29:29 PM

Greetings Iloved Idren!

When Iman studied Revelation again few days ago, Iman realised something new to I:

Rev 17
16 And the ten horns and the beast which thou sawest, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.
17 For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.

Rev 18
8 Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.

The devil is in the head of the people... he use the people as instruments.
Babylon is the Devils Kingdom... the devil is mentally in the head of men, and his instrument men built up his physical kingdom Babylon.
That is why Revelation say that Babylon rides on the Beast/Dragon/Devil/Satan.

So what does the scripture say about this?
It says, that the devil will destroy his own worldwide kingdom Babylon. The devil's instruments, the people, who built up their worldwide devilish Network Babylon which is now on it's top, will destroy it, "For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will".

And this is exactly what I n I can see these days... men fight each other, instead of working together and building up their united Babylon kingdom, they destroy it themselves... west against east, north against south, each against each... JAH tricks them to fulfill his plan.
JAH now does what Babylon always did... he conquer it with its own weapon -> devide and conquer.
They will fight eachother until there isn't no friendly connaction between any states of the earth... no united Kingdom of Babylon... no Kingdom at all. Then all fight for themselves... alone... weak.

Yes I, Revelation reveals... all Prophecies fulfill!


Messenger: Ark I Sent: 6/4/2004 6:51:50 PM


Yes I Jahphet, that is a good observation. It is the natural movement of wickedness. The wickedness can't just move to the outside, but when people deal with wickedness, it grows within them until they are devoured by their own wickedness.

That is why Jah speaks about the wicked man's devices destroying themself, and the wicked man falling into their own pit that they dug, and the wicked man trapping himself in his own trap.

The wicked think that they can overcome this fate, but it is the only destination of wickedness, and they will realize this when their end comes.

Jah people must keep away from the wicked ways of the nations that are around I and I, because they have committed all the wickedness spoken about in the Bible, and they have done other wickedness as well.

Jah people will live in righteousness, and I and I righteousness will grow within I and I and rise I and I to the heights.

Ark I
Haile Selassie I

Messenger: SisMenenI Sent: 6/5/2004 1:37:51 AM

For real, some serious times InI are facing.. an elder was reasoning on the ways in which the new world order could manifest and he made a statement that I found to be very true: After gaining their control over all the East, the North, and the South.. the time will come when it comes down to Europe and America. Evil cannot unite with evil and be successful, and that will be thier downfall. Wickedness is devoured by wickedness and thus cannot survive...
JAH knows...

Blessed Love

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 6/5/2004 12:18:32 PM

Yes I Menen I,

babylon already has control over the people of Europe and especially America, with control of their mind. But they will put more restrictions and control over the poor people when they are done using the poor to conquer other nations for them. They are already exercising their power over some European Nations that wouldn't accept the mark of the beast. And when they are done using the other nations for the wicked works, they will also turn on these nations that have accepted the mark of the beast.

And when they are done with the other nations, including Europe. They will turn on the poor people in their own country, and treat them even worse then they are already treated, and exercise more control over them.

This is the course of babylon, but when the wicked spring as the grass, and the workers of iniquity do flourish, it is that their time is coming to an end.

Babylon will Fall

Zion will Rise

Haile Selassie I

Messenger: Zion Child Sent: 6/24/2004 2:14:05 AM

Blessed are they that come in the name of Jah....

Woe to the downpressors, the oppressors, the wicked men of Babylon. For they come against InI, the children of Jah. They eat the flesh of their own and destroy the beauty of Jah's creation. They know not what will come upon their heads and when it comes like the living Word says, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. They will cry for the mountains to fall and consume them... They see InI and they laugh and mock and send wolves to snatch up the sheep up of the Shepard. But InI know that we serve the King of all Kings, the Lord of all Lords, the Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, who has words that cut like a two-edge sword. They know not of the glory of Jah. Babylon will be like Sodom and Gomorrah, nothing but ashes. Let InI never turn back, for fear becoming the ash the is swept away in Babylon's winds. Let us be like the chaff that the wind never drives away and rooted like trees by the rivers of Zion. Meanwhile, as we are troddin' Jah-road in Babylon, chant it down. Bring Fyah from our mouths. Rastafari...Selassie I the first.

Keep the fire Burnin' Jah-Children...

Sis Marisa, Zion Child

Messenger: Bredda Alex Sent: 6/27/2004 6:17:43 AM

"who fear the fire has a reason to fear it. who fear it shall learn to use it. who nuh want use it, shall burn in it."(quote)

I often heard people say "I dont trust this flame" due it isn't bigger than ones small finger. but why they don't trust the flame, the fire ?

Messenger: Nyah Jahphet Anbassa I Sent: 6/27/2004 10:23:47 AM

Iyah Greetings I

"Don't be afraid of JAH everburning Fyah, trust in JAH Fyah and you never get burned, no water can put out JAH Fyah, JAH Fyah lift Rasta higher!" -Morgan Heritage


Messenger: Ark I Sent: 6/29/2004 11:02:31 PM

Bredda Alex, what kind of flame is the I talking about that is the size of the small finger?

Ark I
Haile Selassie I

Messenger: Bredda Alex Sent: 6/30/2004 8:45:07 AM

what kind of flame ? a normal flame. like it comes out of a match-box. why theI askin ? is that important for theI's oppinion to tell ?

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 6/30/2004 9:01:54 AM

That is what I thought the I meant, but I was just making sure. I was wondering why people would make such a statement.

The reason I asked is that if people say they don't trust the flame due to its small size, that doesn't make sense for people to say that, because the flame can spread to the size of a forest.

Ark I
Haile Selassie I

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Haile Selassie I