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Giovanni Bernardone - mysitcal way of life

Time Zone: EST (New York, Toronto)
Messenger: Arkon I Sent: 12/17/2008 2:29:03 PM

Greetings in the Name of His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I JAH Ras TafarI and Empress Menen!

I still learn new things in my school. Now we are talking about Giovanni Bernardone - a Man who is claimed to be first ecologist in the medieval times.

Unfortunately, Vatican eco-no-mi "use" him as a rag doll and makes some crazy images showing him shaved, clean etc.

He was troding ascetic way of life. He was washing himself ina river, eating natural food, calling animals "brothers" and "sisters". I think that it is great that such a man was trodding his path on this Earth and that we can learn something about him.

He was telling other people to notice what bad they have done and repair their souls with good life. Life of helping poor people and using natural sources.

Giovanni built few houses (with his own hands) where he was growing his plants. Unfortunately, pope transformated them ina churches...

That is how good man can become a doll of pope's will....

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Haile Selassie I