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Ancient Egypt

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Messenger: Eleazar1234 Sent: 12/8/2008 11:45:10 AM

The White Chapel

Scroll to the bottom for an explanation with interpretations. These are instructions for revamping the life force, transformation of the soul and becoming a God. This is Satan's Gift to humanity.

Note, the above, the closest wall to the view of the picture:

1. The God is directing his sexual energy into his 3rd eye.
2. His feathered headdress indicates the lightness of feeling that comes with this energy working.
3. The other God is holding a cone shaped object, this I believe indicates concentration of energy, as the base is wide and the apex tapers to a point. The concentrated energy is directed into the 3rd eye.
4. Beneath the God with the feathered headdress' penis is a loop like object, indicating the circulation of sexual energy.
5. Above, in front of the God holding the cone is an Ankh, before the ankh is another cone, indicating the concentration of the life giving sexual energy in the ankh.
6. The God holding the cone is wearing a different headdress than the God who is directing his energy. It is apparent the God with the cone is instructing him. He has not yet reached the higher level of the God holding the cone. This can be seen in the headdress which is a double feather, indicating he has reached the stage where he feels the levetivity. The headdress on the other God has a serpent (cobra) protruding from the front where the 3rd eye is, indicating he has achieved the ascension of the serpentine energy of kundalini.
7. Above the God with the feathered headdress, there are images of the serpent, the cone of concentration and the ankh.
8. On the opposite side is a cartouche, depicting a scarab with a ball above it. Directly beneath the cartouche appears to be readiating energy, the lines. Beneath this are the feathers of lightness. Directly beneath another cartouche containing an eye shape which I believe represents the 3rd eye again.The looped symbol. This indicates this God standing opposite the god with the feathers has achieved mastery and immortality. Look at the above carvings as opposed to the God with the feathered headdress. There are 2 feathers, indicating he has already accomplished this stage, has moved on to bring up his energy and reach transformation and rebirth indicated by the scarab of immortality.
9. The God on the rear wall is at a lower stage indicated by the serpent and the Ankh being at a much lower level. The ball beneath his penis indicates the building of the ball of energy through orgasm up in the 8-9th chakras of the 4th dimension.
10. The God on the farthest wall in front, has a loop shaped object, directly beneath his penis indicating again, the circulation of sexual energy. The way to immortality.
11. All three depictions are at different levels of achieving the goal of immortality.

The Gods left these carvings in stone for those of us who are enlightened enough to read and understand them, as they cannot be altered. They are instructions and the heiroglyphs are deeply religious. Those of us who understand are to teach and enlighten the rest.
-High Priestess Maxine

Messenger: Eleazar1234 Sent: 12/8/2008 11:46:40 AM

The serpent is seen everywhere in ancient relics and structures. The serpent was held sacred in all areas of the ancient world. Satan is the God Ea, aka ENKI, one of the first of the Nephilim to arrive on this planet and establish the first civilization. In Sumerian mythology, Enki's symbol was always the serpent.

Messenger: Eleazar1234 Sent: 12/8/2008 11:49:03 AM

Messenger: Eleazar1234 Sent: 12/8/2008 11:49:19 AM

The original cross was equal armed, as seen in many of the Demon Sigils, with the points (representative of the chakras) flaring out. Other well-known examples are the Nazi Iron Cross and the Bikers' cross. In truth, this is the shape of the human soul, and represents the four elements (fire, earth, air and water) of which the human soul is comprised. The number four was stolen and corrupted in the Judeo/Christian Bible as with the number seven, the most blatant example being the four gospels.

The Tarot, which originated in Egypt and is based upon the constellations (Egypt was the center of Spiritual Alchemy) has evolved into a deck of cards, of which modern playing cards originated after the trump was discarded. The Tarot has a hidden message and instructions for performing the Magnum Opus. From the Tarot, the Jewish invented "Torah" was stolen, with the original teachings being thoroughly corrupted. The Jewish "Torah" is also known as "The Five Books of Moses" (another fictitious Jewish character based upon Sargon and Thutmose) or the "Pentateuch." The five books were rip-offs from the five suits of the Tarot: Wands/Rods (the element of fire), Pentacles/Coins (the element of earth), Cups (the element of water) and Swords (the element of air), with the trump being the aether or quintessence. All five elements form the essence of the human soul (the fifth element of quintessence holds the four together) and are employed in the working of the Magnum Opus.

Messenger: Eleazar1234 Sent: 12/8/2008 11:50:27 AM

Each of the Jewish characters and archetypes in the Bible are imposters stolen from Pagan Gods. "Jesus" is NOT a real being, but a CONCEPT. For those deluded Christians who believe they have experienced "Jesus" in reality, they are communing with nefarious extraterrestrial beings. Aleister Crowley while in a trance state, drew a picture of what is known to be "Jehova" (a corruption of "YHVH" another rip-off of the four quarters and elements, making the 'name' pronouncable) and drew a grey. At that time, knowledge of ET's was not widespread and photos of them were non-existent. These same beings are said to have made a deal with the Vatican: souls in exchange for wealth and power in the hands of a few. To accomplish this end, all spiritual knowledge had to be removed. No scam can succeed if the victim has knowledge. In order to be effectively victimized, one must be unknowing. Satan is the bringer of knowledge and enlightenment. He has nothing to hide.

Getting back to the nazarene, the crucifix of which I might add was not seen in any place of worship until after the ninth century and is another rip-off of the four quarters, the Jewish archetype "Jesus/Yeshua" is a CONCEPT. The 33 years he was said to have lived represent the 33 vertebrae of the human spine of which the kundalini ascends. The crucifixion symbolizes the Magnum Opus: the torture, the death, and the resurrection. Origins that symbolize this work include the Egyptian phoenix (born again from the ashes), the Egyptian God Set, who was crucified on a furka, the tale of Isis and Osiris, where Osiris was mutilated into some nine parts and was resurrected by Isis.

The Jewish "Virgin Mary" is a corrupted imposter of Astaroth. Michael the archangel is the same and was stolen from Marduk. Archangel "Gabriel" was stolen from the Egyptian God Thoth, Raphael was stolen from Azazel and Uriel from Beelzebub. Again, another rip-off of the four quarters.

For further information, links are provided at the bottom of this article.

Human sexuality has always been severely regulated and frowned upon by the Christian Church. This is because sexuality and orgasm as the life force are essential to spiritual advancement and the raising of the kundalini serpent. Because the church could not supervise sexual activity, they enforced a doctrine of extreme terror. The populace, stripped of all knowledge and spiritual power (ignorance= fear) fell victim to lies. “Hell” emerged on the scene. The word “Hell” was stolen from the Norse word “Hel” representing the Norse underworld. In truth, "Heaven" and "Hell" are code-words for the base and crown chakras. Every attempt was made by the church to replace any spiritual associations with these numbers and any significant numbers that were related to the human soul such as 144,000, which is the number of nadis within the human body to channel the life force. The number two became synonymous with Satan. The second chakra is sexual in nature and controls human sexuality, so of course any association with two was evil. Blockages in the second chakra keep an individual completely enslaved spiritually as the life force remains completely dormant in the first chakra.

With fear, human beliefs and thoughts can be controlled. Humanity was led to believe this omnipresent and “all-powerful” “God” could know their every little thought and action. Through fear, people began to monitor their own thoughts and actions. The seven sacraments (another rip-off of the seven chakras) of the Catholic Church enforced strict control over every stage of an individual’s life. The most control was exercised through the so-called "sacrament" of “confession.” Through confession, the church had even more control, that of knowing the deepest secrets of the frightened population. This enabled the ruling clergy to have power over kings, queens and other secular monarchy.

Messenger: Eleazar1234 Sent: 12/8/2008 11:52:48 AM

Serpent on wall of Ancient Egyptian Temple- The serpent is seen everywhere in Ancient Egypt

Messenger: Eleazar1234 Sent: 12/8/2008 11:56:12 AM

The Medical Caduceus, symbol of Thoth, healing, modern medicine that has saved billions of lives. The Caduceus is symbolic of the Ida and the Pingala of the Kundalini Serpent which transforms us into Gods. This is the healing energy within every human being.

Messenger: Eleazar1234 Sent: 12/8/2008 11:58:26 AM


The origins of the "Goat of Mendes" can be traced back to Ancient Egypt. Goats and Rams were worshipped in many cities throughout Egypt thousands of years ago. The Goat is synonymous with Satanism. The horns represent the Horned Gods/Goddesses. Goats also symbolized fertility in many different cultures and times. The Goat as a symbol of fertility and focus of religious rites dates all the way back to Sumeria.

The Goat of Mendes
Ptah the Egyptian God of Magick, knowledge and wisdom (an alias of Satan) *became* the goat, and sometimes a ram in the city of Mendes where he was worshipped as such. The Goat/Ram of Mendes represented the "Ba" which was the Egyptian word for the "soul." Ptah was considered to be a great magician and "Lord of the Serpents."¹

There are many false claims, based upon ignorance that the Goat was invented as a reaction to the "lamb" of xianity. The xian use of the lamb came much later and in truth is based upon the sign of Aries (The spring Easter lamb). A href="">Everything in xianity has been stolen and corrupted from religions preceding it.

The Horned Goat is also directly of Enki (Satan). The constellation of the Horned Goat (Capricorn) is the time of the winter solstice, known as "The Southern Gate of the Sun." ²

“The Goat was known in early Babylonian times as the God ‘Ea’ (Enki/Satan). Ea was known as ‘He of vast intellect and Lord of the Sacred Eye’ protector of his people and the bringer and giver of knowledge and civilization to humanity. Represented as a snake, he ended up in the ‘Garden of Eden as the Snake in the tree of life, encouraging learning and knowledge rather than blissful ignorance.’ Whenever Ea roamed the Earth, he took the form of a goat. Ea was considered the Father of Light" and his celebrations dating back to 15,000 B.C.E., were carried out wearing goat skins.³

Satanism is in truth, the world's oldest religion. Satanism is not an "invention" or "inversion" of xianity.

Messenger: Yaa Asantewa Sent: 12/8/2008 12:01:17 PM

fyah on this line of reasoning. what are you talking about here bredren. do thee I know how to recognise a demon if one were to cross your path or enter your gates...? And here you are chasing dragons. better you set your meds and know of your own temple and figure out how you can hold monsters at bay in THIS iwah. ye see, this is the problem with this KMT thing. I love Ithiopian history. It is a joy to behold... but thee I them sight what happens when too many priests are drawing one thing or another on one wall after another, worshipping themselves than the One from whence comes the strength.

Just cool iyah and allow the KMT thing... are you sure you are not a careless Ethiopian? If one at all?

Messenger: Eleazar1234 Sent: 12/8/2008 12:20:51 PM

Serpents everywhere, looks a lot like the devil to I.

Looks like the Egyptians were a very sexually open people also. Funny how the Bible seems to say the complete opposite of what these hieroglyphs are showing.

Can Someone tell I how this is not the Devil/Satan?

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