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The Historical Jesus and Mythical Christ

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Messenger: Ark I Sent: 12/12/2008 11:48:03 AM

SunofMan, I forgot to show the context of the second quote you posted below, which makes it even more obvious what kind of references I am looking for.

(quoting Ark I)
"Because I thought that you, or somebody like you who is knowledgeable about this could point out the references so that I and others can verify it, giving I and I some basis to reason about this."

ArkI, I did point out references, and the I actually posted links to some of them!!! But you just said:

"I don't have enough time to cross-reference the various books and search in the book of the dead for proof of their claims, I am too busy with other things."

King, the contradiction in these two quotes is blatantly obvious...

Come on SunofMan. The contradiction appears to be obvious when you only quote that little part of the post. But if you quote the whole post, I think it is pretty obvious what kind of references I am looking for.

Here is the context of the second quote
When somebody is able to do more than just say there is proof for the claims, and can show I the parts of the Book of the Dead that correspond to the numerous claims of parallel, I will look into it further.

I don't have enough time to cross-reference the various books and search in the book of the dead for proof of their claims, I am too busy with other things.

But I would think out of all the people who believe the claims of parallel, there should be some that could point out the parts of the Book of the Dead that corresponds to the claims of parallel. The links to the Book of the Dead and other books that I posted here are PDFs, so if a person who claims they have read these books can't remember the page numbers, it should be easy for them to type in search terms to find the different claims of parallel and either find the references to the Book of the Dead cited within the books, or to type search terms in the Book of the Dead themselves to find the sources of the claims.

Further discussion about this without such proof doesn't make much sense to I. I don't have as much trust in the authors of the parallel claims books as others do, because the authors agendas are obvious to I, so I won't just take their word as truth.

Ark I

Itinual Praises unto Jah RasTafarI Haile Selassie I Menen I

Messenger: wahdahdah Sent: 12/12/2008 12:31:06 PM

JAH Bird to stick with the I's question on was Jesus the same as what is in the bible and the mystery as to where and who between the ages of 12 and 30. Iman can say this that the bible only show the mystery revealed. meaning What the Master was teachin'. I&I am sure there is more to that man JESUS than any book has shown. For what did he eat and how did he spend his time relaxing and Iditation. I do know this from a young age after 12 the man called Jesus trodded through many of the Mystery schools studiing and "initiating" himself into the knowledge hat was within. As every Iyah the study was not for learnin something new but to Discover the REALIZATION. It is writen in many different books that the man named Jesus travelled to countries and passing through schools of the MYSTICs. the ANCIENT and MYSTICAL ORDER of the ROSICRUCIANS for ONE. who at the time were what was known as the Great White BrotherHOOD. which has nothing to do with Skin color but the Light that is WITHIN ONE JAH and Must be cultivated. There is a wonderful book called the MYSTICAL LIFE of JESUS. author is Spencer H. LEWIS. check it out. there are documented facts of the trod the man named Jesus made.
Though this is important to know for some I&I need only to know what has been Revealed to I and that is the Facts of "the CHRIST" who is now in HIM KIngly Charicter, SELASSIE I. and in years to come it shall be Reavealed to All. Yet there will be those who shroud H.I.M. teachings with myths and propaganda, much like the life of the man called JESUS. So for I it is not a question of who Jesus was, but Who the Christ is. SEEN? SELASSIE I
JAH say the KINGDOM of HEAVEN is WITHIN. the place where on I stand is Holy Ground,Son,thou art ever with Iand all that I have is thine. God is not found in places but in I&I conciousness. So I&I need not search out, but search within. and REALIZE the Manifestation of RASTAFARI IS I&I.I&I can never reach JAH with I mind only I&I HEART.
As long as there is thinking being done and not REALIZING the Kingdom can not be SEEN. Now we know where the KINGDOM of JAH is, but How do we attain the REALIZATION of IT? YES I IDITATION.

Messenger: SunofMan Sent: 12/14/2008 1:38:56 PM

Ark I,

I said there was a contradiction because at one point you said you wanted references, then you said you didn't have time to cross refrence things for yourSelf, and then you wanted I to point out passages from the links that you posted, like that would suddenly compell the I to do the work. Looks like a contradiction to I, but if the I doesn't feel it that way that's fine.

If you're interested there should be no reason for you not to do the research yourself. With the amount of time the I has put in to this reasoning it shows that you are at least interested enough to want to know, but if you're not going to do the homework and then why should I spend I own time spelling it out. You've posted enough times to show that you do have some time on your hands, so why not look for yourself.

It was never I own intention of doing the work for the I. I've only said that I have found something for I Self in this endeavour and I would encourage anyOne interested to pursure it for themSelves. That said, we're done with this One.

I would also like to mention that it has never been my intention to criticize or discredit the Bible, but rather put forward a notion that there might be more light shed so that Ones can see the full spectrum.

I've never said that Kemet is the fullness, but it is part of the story, so why leave it out? As the I has shown, there is wisdom there.

And...Ras KebreAB, keep laughing, it shows great form...


Messenger: Ark I Sent: 12/14/2008 9:06:47 PM

SunofMan, you said,
It was never I own intention of doing the work for the I

I find it very unlikely that you even did the work for yourself. If you did, it would only take a few minutes to find the references.

When I say I don't have the time, it means that I have other endeavours that are much more useful to I and other people, than looking for references that I doubt I will ever find, especially when I see others who have put the time to look for them couldn't find them.

The whole reason for I asking for the books and finding the PDFs was to let you or anybody else that come with the same assumption about the parallels to have an opportunity to show the references if they exist. And also as a means to tell them to not waste I and I time with debates about parallels without proof that the parallels actually exist past the books of Gerald Massey and a few other modern writers.

Ark I

Itinual Praises unto Jah RasTafarI Haile Selassie I Menen I

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 12/14/2008 9:19:01 PM

And about Ras KebreAB laughing. I thought his response was appropriate and looking back I kind of wish I just laughed instead of wasting I time going through circles in this topic and the other that caused I to have to explain in detail what references are even though I already explained them.

And what made it even more annoying and a waste of time was watching you avoid the question of references for so many posts until I spelled it out in so much detail that you couldn't play around and avoid it anymore, but still managed to avoid it with diversion.

Ark I

Itinual Praises unto Jah RasTafarI Haile Selassie I Menen I

Messenger: SunofMan Sent: 12/15/2008 7:34:12 AM

"I find it very unlikely that you even did the work for yourself. If you did, it would only take a few minutes to find the references."

That's right, I'm just pulling your's all a great waste of time. The few points to be made could easily be sighted through a few quick passages (forget about the centuries of information, that's just a waste of time). I read all those books last night, and I still can't easily reference them so I guess I'm wrong and you're right. Too bad you didn't spend you're time laughing, you'd have had more fun taking your piss. Sorry for leading you to a big dead end...

Messenger: Yaa Asantewa Sent: 12/15/2008 7:53:13 AM


I thought that last post was very witty.

"That's right, I'm just pulling your chain..." lol lol lol. I loved that, had me cracking up.

lol lol lol.

Messenger: Ras KebreAB Sent: 12/15/2008 9:35:57 AM

Honorable Beloved Empress

still holding a joy i see, lol, as it should be
Last night i watched a very interesting movie called Mad Detective. You have to get a hold of it if you can,sistren, i think you would enjoy it, makes you think , kinda like that movie Usual Suspects lol
but this is a Hong Kong movie,no hollywood thing, so might be a little harder to find, still, its quiet recent,so you might get lucky.
The i might like it too Ark I

its about this former cop, and when they say Mad, the guy is really out there, but anyway, the main point of it is that he believes he can see the inner personalities of people. Like if you see a person in front of you ,you see the person....but this man doesnt see the person, instead he sees the personality within the person in physical form, in the flesh. Like, he has another cop with him, a partner if you will, and he is a young guy, he looks like, you know, the action hero type,young, strong etc.........but when you look at him through the eyes of the Mad detective, all you see is this little coward crying kid lol
anyway the most interesting part is, they are trying to find a killer, and they have one suspect.
When the mad detective looks at him,at the suspect, he can see 7 personalities. lol, its so crazy the way they did it.
All you see is one man, and then the camera switches to view through the eye of the mad detective, and you see 7 people standing there, all of them whispering and discussing.
One personality is a fat gluttonous coward, one personality is a maniac killer etc, and of the 7 personalities the one who gives the orders is a woman

its so interesting to i, this thing. You see this everyday in life, but hardly anyone ever recognises it. Most usually, instead of personalities, you hear people use words like "side", the i people will say, "thats the good side of him", or "thats the jealous side of her".....the i know what i mean.

One of the reasons why people will always surprise you if you dont look out. You think, oh, this and that man/woman wont ever do that, or wont ever do this.........but then, when circumstances change, you see something else, you know, you see another "side" come forth.

Its like in the Ible, when Christ drives out the evil forces from that possessed man, and puts them in the pigs, you remember? Christ says to the man, or to the one inside the man
"And he asked him, What is thy name? And he answered, saying, My name is Legion: for we are many"

Well, just wanted to recommend that to the i, its interesting. time to make a move now, as the idren says, keep laughing lol vexation of the spirit is vanity


Messenger: Ras KebreAB Sent: 12/15/2008 9:46:37 AM

Lol Right now, i cant stop laughing, i just saw an Iraqi journalist throwing both his shoes at Prez Bush´s head lol
Bush got skills though, he was like Neo in the Matrix dodging bullets


Messenger: Ras I-Tom Sent: 12/15/2008 10:13:38 AM

Hahaha, I just watched the video on youtube. He dodged it real good foreal lol.
It is funny as well that back in America the news is speaking of this as such a bad thing, and talking about the whitehouse spokeswoman getting a 'bit' of a black eye from a microphone hitting her, in the attempt to get the reporter, as if that is a serious thing compared to all the innocent people killed because of Bush

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