I and I have been here before...but now Ones are upset? Ras KebreAB and ArkI, we've both had very related reasonings in the past and it didn't go in such a direction, yet I'm still saying the same things.
ArkI, the I said:
"I don't have enough time to cross-reference the various books and search in the book of the dead for proof of their claims, I am too busy with other things."
Then why spend time reasoning about it???
Ras Kebre AB, the I said:
"One of the great follies is this false idea that "old" or "ancient" means good and right. As if satan just start decieving the world yesterday, which couldnt be further from the truth."
Well we heard Jah Bird's Rasponse, and I couldn't have said it much better I-Self. Whether there is deceit or not, would anyOne deny that "old" or "ancient" doesn't exist? and does that also mean there is not truth to be found in Inciency?
" The word "Virgin" does not have to be shackled to the definition of a woman who never had intercourse. Virgin may also imply a sense of purity."
I am surprised to hear this from you,SunofMan.
You can debate the english word "virgin" and what it means here all you want, but when InI Father says "dengel Mariam", you and i both know exactly what he is talking about"
As an Ithiopian, I am sure His Majesty is aware, as He is a master of oration, the Ethiopian mode of speech known as "Qenne" (a poor attempt at a phoenetic Amharic word), is the I? can this not be applied in this case. Please read the book "Ethiopic" by Ayele Bekerie, I know I and I have middle ground to find yet.
"False, it was not "applied", it is just so. The lunar and solar cycles are Jah Works, likewise, so is Christ. Why are you so surprised that the heavenly is reflected on earth in flesh and blood"
What are we arguing about again?
"wow, iyah, i have to say WOW
next thing ,who knows, i am going to hear Empress Menen was a fool, because i can certainly tell you what she believed in and stood for,but i know you know already."
That was a shame...
On the day of celebration for St.Mariam of Aksum Tsion, at the church built for her honor, by His Majesty, in Aksum, the priests take the Tabot out of the church and bring it to the foot of the stelae, where the Abuna is seated on a throne, it is there that the sermon in her honor is given, and then the tabot is taken back to the church, before the next sermon is given under the warqa tree...I wonder why this is...
Ark I, the I's last post was very opinionated, I never started these reasonings, and I didn't comment on them to convince anyOne. It was the I who came back again looking for information which for some strange reason you refuse to pursue. We both have internalized His Majesty's works, I never criticized the I for having your own view, if you took it that way I apologize.