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The Historical Jesus and Mythical Christ

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Messenger: Ark I Sent: 12/10/2008 11:06:58 PM

SunofMan, you said,

Ark I, the hieroglyphs the I is looking for are there, but you'd first have to believe that there's a connection.

Yes I agree, if I believed that there was a connection before looking at the hieroglyphs, it would not be that hard to find a way to imagine connections.

SunofMan, you said,

How was His Majesty supposed to unite Christians? surely He could not keep directing I and I to the exemplary life of Christ should he have lifted the veil of a myth that really makes no great difference in the perfection of the teaching. His Majesty holds the highest seat on earth, and why enrage the world, when all He needed to do was direct us to the teachings of perfect Love and Righteousness. Virgin or not, our trod is not changed should we follow the teaching. His Majesty allowed people to stay in thier comfort zone, and still follow the path of Righteousness.

So when did you have that conversation with Selassie I when he told you that he saw Eashua as a myth, and said that He didn't tell the people because He wanted them to stay in their comfort zone.

Don't impart your thoughts on Selassie I.

Go to Selassie I speeches and do a search for Jesus, then do a search for Christ. Look at how Selassie I speaks of Christ. Do you think Selassie I is lying when he speaks of Christ as reality? Selassie I could have just spoken of the righteousness and example without saying things that support what you call myth, but he still said them. Selassie is not deceiving, He spoke according to how He Sight, so don't make excuses to convince yourself that Selassie I thinks of Christ as you think of Christ. And don't use Selassie I name to promote your myth idea, He has no part of it. Speak only of yourself and others, not Selassie I when speaking about your myth, Selassie I has His own words, he doesn't need the addition of yours.

Most of the people that I see that think that the mystics of Christ are myths and impossible, are people that don't experience much mystics themselves. When I look at the mystical experiences I have had in I Life, especially after trodding with RasTafarI, and have seen the mystics of other RasTafarI people; the mystical things attributed to Christ are not things that seem impossible to I at all. And when I Sight how amazing Creation is, all the "impossible" things people speak about the Old and New Testament seem like simple things in comparison.

So go on an increase your faith in impossible. I could not do the same thing.

Ark I

Itinual Praises unto Jah RasTafarI Haile Selassie I Menen I

Messenger: wahdahdah Sent: 12/11/2008 1:28:01 AM

Blessings Idren One Love Bredren and Sistren. Happy to Know the Reality of the Christ. Selassie I RastafarI. Every time I&I seek The Christ from without or in the letter it come up work with no faith.
Seek Ye first the Kingdom of Heaven and ALL shall be added unto thee. For everything that is the Fathers is Also for I&I. Yes the Manifestation of Christ Selassie I Highest Hights of Realization of I AM. Selassie I.It is an invisible Power that manifest itself from within. Jah Kingdom is within not without, Everything comes from within I&I consciousness. I Am is within and I within I Am. Love thy neighbor as I Jah and Iself. I must recognize reality of the Christ in every man/wombman. If Selassie I in I heart than I man look for the Love of Jah in every Living thing. I&I sight it as "the Christ" as 'the Truth" not the Letter or the man name Jesus. I&I REALIZE Selassie I is Christ in the most Kingly Character. It is the Realization of that Truth that Iman Work for everyday. As I go and Know the Abundance is there and I just need to Rise and Realize it a mystic acivity accurs. JAH provide and I&I see JAH in the Midst of everything.
I realize I veared from the post but the last few replies on this post and Ark I last reply got I thinking about Mystic and the word myth and what and why it is so. I man see it so because I Am giving I self to the Creator which has not One Name or One face it is Omnipotient and a Power so still and quiet.I call Jah RastafarI. and closer than breath or hands and feet Jah is there within.
Respect to the Children of Jah have learned much from this subject post. Give Thanks for the Idren sharing .
Blessings and much Humbleness Give JAH ALPHA and OMEGA Praises. with every breath I take. Let I give Thanks.

Messenger: Jah Bird Sent: 12/11/2008 8:11:09 AM

Blessed Love,
well it seems to i that i and i are moving away from the original tread.
Maybe i didn't make i self clear on the get go.
Ras KebreAB said ancient does not always mean good.
I agree, but ancient is still the foundation. Of many things including religion.

I had asked some questions earlier but i did not get any answer on them.
I know that Christ is I and I is Christ or if the i will in I and I in Christ.
If Christ is myth then that makes Selassie I myth, all His Words.

The question was weather Jesus (the man) was different than that written in the Ible?

What is this talk about Born in Ethiopia and raised in Egypt.
I remember a sistren here said that he was hung on a tree and not on the cross. How much of that is true?

The life of Eyesus untill 12 is mistery, even till 30 is mistery.

Maybe a good fya meditation and stop this foolishness.
I give thanks still.

Jah RastafarI.

Messenger: SunofMan Sent: 12/11/2008 10:57:08 AM

I and I have been here before...but now Ones are upset? Ras KebreAB and ArkI, we've both had very related reasonings in the past and it didn't go in such a direction, yet I'm still saying the same things.

ArkI, the I said:

"I don't have enough time to cross-reference the various books and search in the book of the dead for proof of their claims, I am too busy with other things."

Then why spend time reasoning about it???

Ras Kebre AB, the I said:

"One of the great follies is this false idea that "old" or "ancient" means good and right. As if satan just start decieving the world yesterday, which couldnt be further from the truth."

Well we heard Jah Bird's Rasponse, and I couldn't have said it much better I-Self. Whether there is deceit or not, would anyOne deny that "old" or "ancient" doesn't exist? and does that also mean there is not truth to be found in Inciency?

" The word "Virgin" does not have to be shackled to the definition of a woman who never had intercourse. Virgin may also imply a sense of purity."
I am surprised to hear this from you,SunofMan.
You can debate the english word "virgin" and what it means here all you want, but when InI Father says "dengel Mariam", you and i both know exactly what he is talking about"

As an Ithiopian, I am sure His Majesty is aware, as He is a master of oration, the Ethiopian mode of speech known as "Qenne" (a poor attempt at a phoenetic Amharic word), is the I? can this not be applied in this case. Please read the book "Ethiopic" by Ayele Bekerie, I know I and I have middle ground to find yet.

"False, it was not "applied", it is just so. The lunar and solar cycles are Jah Works, likewise, so is Christ. Why are you so surprised that the heavenly is reflected on earth in flesh and blood"

What are we arguing about again?

"wow, iyah, i have to say WOW
next thing ,who knows, i am going to hear Empress Menen was a fool, because i can certainly tell you what she believed in and stood for,but i know you know already."

That was a shame...

On the day of celebration for St.Mariam of Aksum Tsion, at the church built for her honor, by His Majesty, in Aksum, the priests take the Tabot out of the church and bring it to the foot of the stelae, where the Abuna is seated on a throne, it is there that the sermon in her honor is given, and then the tabot is taken back to the church, before the next sermon is given under the warqa tree...I wonder why this is...

Ark I, the I's last post was very opinionated, I never started these reasonings, and I didn't comment on them to convince anyOne. It was the I who came back again looking for information which for some strange reason you refuse to pursue. We both have internalized His Majesty's works, I never criticized the I for having your own view, if you took it that way I apologize.


Messenger: Ark I Sent: 12/11/2008 12:12:09 PM


This reasoning didn't start with this message topic. The reasoning started elsewhere and prompted this topic to be started. And it was you who started this last wave of parallel claims.

SunofMan, you said,
ArkI, the I said:

"I don't have enough time to cross-reference the various books and search in the book of the dead for proof of their claims, I am too busy with other things."

Then why spend time reasoning about it???

Because I thought that you, or somebody like you who is knowledgeable about this could point out the references so that I and others can verify it, giving I and I some basis to reason about this. The manner in which you are speaking makes it sound like you know that the claims of parallel are based on the Book of the Dead and other hieroglyphs. If you are just assuming that there are references in the Book of the Dead and in other hieroglyphs, than just say so. Otherwise, show the references so that the reasoning can continue.

I previous post was the way it was because you are trying to tell I and I what Selassie I thought about Christ and why He didn't tell I and I the Truth about Christ, even though your claims of Selassie I's thoughts are not based on Truth.

Sun of Man, you said,
It was the I who came back again looking for information which for some strange reason you refuse to pursue.

Isn't it clear from I other reasonings why I was looking for that information. In case it wasn't, the reason is so that anybody who says that the claims of parallel in those books are at some point referenced to hieroglyphs can now show I and I how the references point to the Book of the Dead or other Egyptian hieroglyphs.

How many times do I have to repeat this? It should be a simple request if the parallel claims in those books actually have references that lead to the Book of the Dead or other hieroglyphs and don't just lead to other books trying to claim the same thing.

Ark I

Itinual Praises unto Jah RasTafarI Haile Selassie I Menen I

Messenger: SunofMan Sent: 12/11/2008 3:57:11 PM


Am I missing something here?

"This reasoning didn't start with this message topic. The reasoning started elsewhere and prompted this topic to be started. And it was you who started this last wave of parallel claims."

The first sentence of my last post was "I and I have been here before", go and check it out. But I haven't started a topic in relation to this subject in a while.

"Because I thought that you, or somebody like you who is knowledgeable about this could point out the references so that I and others can verify it, giving I and I some basis to reason about this."

ArkI, I did point out references, and the I actually posted links to some of them!!! But you just said:

"I don't have enough time to cross-reference the various books and search in the book of the dead for proof of their claims, I am too busy with other things."

King, the contradiction in these two quotes is blatantly obvious...

"I previous post was the way it was because you are trying to tell I and I what Selassie I thought about Christ and why He didn't tell I and I the Truth about Christ, even though your claims of Selassie I's thoughts are not based on Truth."

I never said He didn't tell I and I the truth, don't twist my words! To I His thoughts are perfect truth! If I have been unable to properly articulate that to the I then let it go, but don't openly judge I based on your own personal opinions.

"Isn't it clear from I other reasonings why I was looking for that information."

Yes I, it's very clear, you want to know but refuse to do your homework. Even if I took the time to somehow scan pages from books of pictures of hieroglyphs and then pages of authors who translate them, and then other pages of authors who spell out the connections, I'd be surprised if you actually believed it, and it makes no difference. I've agreed that it wouldn't change your trod. If you truly are interested then you have to do a lot of reading.

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 12/11/2008 4:33:25 PM

SunofMan, you said,

(quoting Ark I)
"Because I thought that you, or somebody like you who is knowledgeable about this could point out the references so that I and others can verify it, giving I and I some basis to reason about this."

ArkI, I did point out references, and the I actually posted links to some of them!!! But you just said:

"I don't have enough time to cross-reference the various books and search in the book of the dead for proof of their claims, I am too busy with other things."

King, the contradiction in these two quotes is blatantly obvious...

Come on SunofMan. The contradiction appears to be obvious when you only quote that little part of the paragraph. But if you quote the whole paragraph, I think it is pretty obvious what kind of references I am looking for.

Because I thought that you, or somebody like you who is knowledgeable about this could point out the references so that I and others can verify it, giving I and I some basis to reason about this. The manner in which you are speaking makes it sound like you know that the claims of parallel are based on the Book of the Dead and other hieroglyphs. If you are just assuming that there are references in the Book of the Dead and in other hieroglyphs, than just say so. Otherwise, show the references so that the reasoning can continue.

And some of the things I said in the rest of that post should make it even more clear.
Isn't it clear from I other reasonings why I was looking for that information. In case it wasn't, the reason is so that anybody who says that the claims of parallel in those books are at some point referenced to hieroglyphs can now show I and I how the references point to the Book of the Dead or other Egyptian hieroglyphs.

How many times do I have to repeat this? It should be a simple request if the parallel claims in those books actually have references that lead to the Book of the Dead or other hieroglyphs and don't just lead to other books trying to claim the same thing.

SunofMan, you said,
Even if I took the time to somehow scan pages from books of pictures of hieroglyphs and then pages of authors who translate them, and then other pages of authors who spell out the connections, I'd be surprised if you actually believed it, and it makes no difference.

You said that many of the claims of parallels can be found in the Book of the Dead. So there should be plenty of references you can show I without scanning any pages. The PDF to the Book of the Dead is right there, and the books from some of the authors are right there. Post some page numbers in the Book of the Dead that relate to some page numbers in one of the other books.

As I said, If you are just assuming that there are references in the Book of the Dead and in other hieroglyphs, than just say so. Otherwise, show the references so that the reasoning can continue.

And why would you be surprised that I would actually believe it if you showed I references to the Book of the Dead and other hieroglyphs? Is it because the only references that you would find would be for claims of parallel that are as weak as the virgin birth claim.

Ark I

Itinual Praise unto Jah RasTafarI Haile Selassie I Menen I

Messenger: Ras KebreAB Sent: 12/11/2008 7:50:15 PM


Messenger: Eleazar1234 Sent: 12/11/2008 11:38:56 PM

Quote from FarI-Sight on 10/22/2006 12:09:12 AM

Rise instead of fall


Man must come to the knowledge of the Self and understand that the Fountain of Life is within I and I.

The essence of All Beings is the Earth, the Essence of the Earth is Water. The Essence of Water is Plants, the Essence of Plants is Man (human being=man+woman).
Within Man is contain all things, Earth, Fire, Air, Water.

Glorify the More Positive words from Hon Ras Ark I, it addresses very important things for ones who come here to consider. One's missing the point and fussing for no reason.

As i have said here before, many ones come to believe that RasTafari can be learnt through books, internet and years of literary studies.
Often ones ask if there is any book on the entire culture of Rastafari,and my answer is that this would merely fulfill Solomon's prophecy as there will never be an end to those books, they would be through volumes and volumes endlessly.
Also Ras dont see the need to do so as this is a Natural Livity that is known through doing the works and not just reading and speaking.
Through obedience to Righteousness one learns many as wisdom edify.
The Fear of Jah is the begining of wisdom.

What the bredren is argueing and fighting so much about will eventuate into a dead end as the man is not applying the Self to the Self, simply accepting what is coming from external sources. I say this because at the end of all this Kemet confusion will arise one thing: doubts of Rastafari being the Almighty God.

For example, the bredren have said that there never existed any wicked Pharaoh. Said who? u? were u there in Kemet at the time of Moses? Saying this is like saying that there are no wicked Dreadlocks, or no wicked Priests or no wicked rulers.
I have personally been in Egypt and seen many monuments and places.
The Kemetic writings originally had one God then the people started saying there are many manifestations of this God and we should worship them as separate entities, and thus came about IDOL WORSHIPPING. I have seen the statues that are made of stone, that have been there, i have visited most of their temples and it is full of them. I also know of the sorcery the priests studied and etc. Not from white scholars but from information gathered by black scholars.

Kemet's Pharaoahs and the people had the basis of Righteous Laws and Principles, yet there are lots to show that they went astray, just as the religions of the world and started praying to statues and all

As Hon Ark I said, Do you expect to find Truth within books? I say again ETHIOPIA ROYAL NATION WEALTH KINGDOM is the First Civilisation, yet if you search written history the earliest civilisation they say is Mesopotamia Babylon, the earliest form of medicine is in Kemet, yet Ethiopia exists thousands of years before Kemet,that is why when they founded Kemet they were already learned and educated of how to build a civilisation. But the records of the Ethiopian Empires are destroyed and merely exists in the minds and hearts of the people, as that is where tradition is recorded, not in books stored away never to be read.
Even the orginal bible in Geez have 81 books and the kingjames have 66, so ther is much more that is hidden in the vatican.
One have to be wise in this time and age.

I have heard many of them kemet scholars and many of them have wisdom and knowledge but what they lack is the Understanding. That is why they cannot see SelahSeeI Jah Rastafari as this is the Heights for the pure and the holy and so they cannot comprehend God in Flesh due to they being embedded in Spirit without flesh philosophy.
Iman have heard many Africans talk about Kemet this and that for ages and it never shook Iman foundation. For I and I have the Word of Selassie I Emmanuel I Marcus I within I heart and soul to guide I and I.

The whitemen have polluted the earth and rewritten history for their own glory, no where will you find the Truth but within yourself, even you can bring all sorts of archaeological facts and say this and that.
How can you expect Babylon to justify truth? If one is not alert one can be easily confounded and manipulated by all sorts of knowledge in this time. His Majesty said this.

Rastafari revealed HimSelf to I through Prophecy, not any one else. Holy King Emmanuel I revealed Him Self to I through the Prophecy and John Marcus I did the same.
It is given to us as a compass in this last judgment so that we may have the experience and wisdom of others who walk the same Way in anciency and this inspires us to have a firm and steadfast spritual and mental meditation.
This is the only Truth within this time, that Stand. All else fail.Where do you stand? With Haile I King Selassie I or with Imhotep and pharaoh and his inferior devices, the beetle gods and cat gods and Amun?

I burn out all Ras who put kemet before Rastafari for they are unconscious of their Self.

King Emmanuel Have taken the Book of out His Majesty's hands and the seals have been lifted so that each and everyone may have the sense of Truth and perception if they are willing, but one must stop wandering in Outer Space and start exploring the INNERSpace.

Those who have ears to hear will hear. Know your Self and where you stand, there are no two way, it is either wrong or right. Take the Right n leave out the wrong.



Messenger: Ras KebreAB Sent: 12/12/2008 11:26:56 AM

Emmanuel I

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