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Ethiopian Origin and the Rastafarian Faith

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Time Zone: EST (New York, Toronto)
Messenger: Yaa Asantewa Sent: 11/18/2008 6:16:47 AM

Oh... My Lord, Wahdahdah!!! I wasn't directing that comment in reply to what thee I wrote. Naaah sir. I was speaking to the person who asked the first question. Please, accept my apologies... I should have said "To... such and such".

Yeah, there was definite sarcasm. I've been a member of the forum for a couple seasons now and I'm finding it boring and even starting to find it amusing when some people come here... and think they have found the absolute question, the absolute challenge, the one that will make all of InI just throw our hands up and gasp... I NEVER KNEW. LOOKS LIKE ALL THIS rASTA malarky IS ACTUALLY A BUNCH OF...

Haha. Lemme give thee I them some joke. My Mother knows how I stay about my livity, and how I stay in general... and she as a conservative West African lady just cannot get with this locs ting and let alone my princess hair is natty and all that. She's like... WHAT THA? No meat? YOU'LL STARVE... you know all that stuff. The usual. I mean, she is a real daughter Zion within, real Queen ights, but you done know the miseducation of InI, etc, etc. Anyway, as I say, she done already know how I stay so she doesn't attack my way. But now and again, she'll try and come with one of these questions... I mean, InI know satan's plan and that is why I know when me and it buck up he is finished because of all those I love which I know are lead astray and which I know he has used to fashion against JAH in IandI... know what I mean.

So, my momma was like... 'you know... there was only one man who lived according to his own oath that no living man could kill him?'. I was like, huh? I was thrown cos I had no idea what she was talking about, it seemed to come out of nowhere. So, I was like... what? And she repeated... 'in Africa, there has been one leader who said no living man could kill him and lived by it, only dying naturally as an old man..' I was like, 'oh yeah?' (obviously now catching onto what she was getting at) 'who?' She was like, 'Zik'. Zik is the pet name that Igbo people call Nnamdi Azikwe... one of the generals and main instigators of the Biafran army who planned and lead the coup against Nigeria to create the independent state of Biafra in the 60s. I was like... 'oh really' (not wanting to even go here... ye know when it's mommy). And then she paused and was like... 'yeah...' then continued... 'wasn't Haile Selassie killed by his own people..?'

AWWWWW.... THERE THEY GO, THERE THEY GO, THERE THEY GO. 'no mother... [patiently explain the rumours, then the facts, then the current shituation... finding a set of remains under a TOILET[?], cool... can we get some DNA then since you guys are so smart... er, no no no, let's just have a funeral and invite Rita Marley, that'll clear the whole thing up].

So. That is the essence of my post to the caller. Should I just say, even to my Mother... 'oh, Zik? Really... and I here I was thinking that... doh okay... pass me the shearers then'. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Messenger: alebarrios Sent: 11/19/2008 7:40:03 PM

hi Yaa Asantewa
you said: (I was speaking to the person who asked the first question. ))...
((some people come here... and think they have found the absolute question, the absolute challenge, the one that will make all of InI just throw our hands up and gasp... I NEVER KNEW. LOOKS LIKE ALL THIS rASTA malarky IS ACTUALLY A BUNCH OF...)))

i didn't mean to challenge you nor trying to make you throw your hands and gasp..

i just wanted to know more about your culture, i don't understand why you took that as an ofence..i asked because the RastafarIs here where i live, are known as comprehensive people and they are willing to help you and have no problem in explaining about their way of life...

sorry if i offended you in any aspect.

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 11/19/2008 10:42:23 PM

I didn't answer this question because it didn't make much sense. The fact that a nation is civilized and that it was part of the Garden of Eden has no bearing on whether or not it can be conquered.

A question that would make much more logical sense would be:
If the nation claims that their culture was civilized, how could they go around to so many other nations all around the world and viciously murder innocent mothers, fathers and children that did nothing against them, and how could they also rob and rape them, and commit the numerous other torture and wickedness they did.

Another reason I didn't answer is that I am suspicious of your intentions alebarrios. I don't believe you are sincere in your questions and I believe that if you stick around here long enough, your real intention will be revealed.

And regarding this comment of yours:
i just wanted to know more about your culture, i don't understand why you took that as an ofence..i asked because the RastafarIs here where i live, are known as comprehensive people and they are willing to help you and have no problem in explaining about their way of life...

One thing, you never asked I and I about our culture or way of Life. Another thing, if the RasTafarI people where you live are known as "comprehensive people and they are willing to help you and have no problem in explaining about their way of life", then why didn't you ask them this question of yours? I think I know the answer, but I would like to hear what answer you will give.

Ark I

Itinual Praises unto Jah RasTafarI Haile Selassie I Menen I

Messenger: alebarrios Sent: 11/20/2008 2:39:02 AM

Ark I, youre in your right of thinking that I am suspicious, at the end of the day everyone can believe what they want, its a right

((I didn't answer this question because it didn't make much sense. ))

If you think that my answer did not make sence well i did try to make myself clear, but im studing english and i do not manage completely the language. Now i think i should have logged on in a Spanish forum , in order to be more clear and have accurate answers, i logged in this because i know that most of the Rastafarians speak english. But in the end, i think that nothing of this matters, because thanks to Ten , i did understand the perspective..

My intention was not to be offensive Ark I.. i just wanted to learn.. i think youre being too hard on me, and i find that contradictory, i mean, RastafarI people are full of love

I did asked one or two Rastafarians here and i did not felt completely satisfied with their answers , thats why i log in here , to have more than 1 opinion and different sides of the issue.

I hope this could clear things up..

Messenger: Jah Bird Sent: 11/20/2008 5:42:37 AM

'"My intention was not to be offensive Ark I.. i just wanted to learn.. i think youre being too hard on me, and i find that contradictory, i mean, RastafarI people are full of love

I did asked one or two Rastafarians here and i did not felt completely satisfied with their answers , thats why i log in here , to have more than 1 opinion and different sides of the issue."FYAH FYAH,

Man be patient and learn you can't rush things.As Ark I said 'you intentions will be revealed' and it did to I.
How come you rush to judge and say 'you are being to hard' and find it to be contradictory.
You want to find out all about RastafarI in just one answer??? are you for real.
The One who made all that you see. And you want a quick answer.
My true adivce would be.
Be patient, and read other posts etc.

The first question was really silly, that's why you got the reactions that you got. To be honestly that was mild.

Selassie I

Messenger: Ten Sent: 11/20/2008 6:38:09 AM


What were the "unsatisfactory" answers of the Rases you spoke to? If the Ras them are as understanding as you say then surely they could have satisfied your quest. I hope your interest in RasTa is genuine and not some kid writing a term paper on RasTafarI bec its a 'fascinating subject'!

And to wahdahdah, knowledge is the manifestation of JAH power in all of I n I. Give thanks for the appreciation Aya, Love EveryTime.

Messenger: wahdahdah Sent: 11/20/2008 10:46:45 PM

Greetings in the NAME OF JAH RASTAFARI!
Yes, Alebarrios Check what Ark I is putting forward. Suspicion, what is the I's intent. That is what I&I feel in the question and answer given. From the first question asked and the way it was presented. to comments directed to even I. The sincerity is in question. and that I friend is What True Love about. SEEN. How could the I call I&I a "REAL RASTA" if the I does not know RASTAFARI. That does not impress I to Be judged who is and is not REAL. Bredren All the Bredren and Sistren who I&I see have responded to thee I are RASTAFARI. SEEN. When the I says I thought it was about LOVE. YES MAN IT IS. lOVE not infactuation. SEEN. SO many come and check it Out but not Within. They see the PRETTY COLORS and the NICE mellow music. BROTHER BOB PLAYIN' EXXODUS or RIDE NATTY RIDE and them think OH, Let's be RASTAS."MOM I'M CHANGING MY RELIGION". SORRY MAN it does not work that way. SEE. THOSE WHO have EYES SHALL SEE and What I&I see is a young man trying to find some in without going within. The I come with book and pen and paper tryon' to find out things from the "PRETTY PeOPLE with COOL HAIR. Oh, Wow. IT NO WORK LIKE that again. I&I RaSTAFARI and I&I BREDREN and SISTREN are ALL ABOUT the LOVE, a LOVE THAT shine bright on the DARKEST OF PLACES. SO, Albarrios when the I check it from the Stand point of RASTAFARI there is reason and smell of intent. SEEN? I&I hope thee I can begin to see what I&I am sayin'? IT is A way of LIFE.
Why would the I have to bring up the fact of the Rastas that live around the I? AS ARK I say why did thee not get the info him sarch for from the LION HIMSELF? SEE SO LOVE IS KIND and FULL OF JOY> LOVE IS Also something not to JOKE with or CALL upon for them own misunderstanding, and interpretation. I&I am not sayin' this is the I but, Overstand that as RASTAFARI H.I.M. give I&I Sight to see things that can only be SEEN from within. AND LOTTA FYAH BURN, LOL YES I. and Check it When I&I talk about FYAH it is the JAH ALMIGHTY FYAH.
LOOK Man, this is it check it Out, every BRADAH and SISTA that have responded to thee on the I's post has BEEN In and Out of the FYAH and are Not afraid to BLAZE FIRE on THYSELF or any thing that need FYAH A BLAZE. , DO the I SEE What I&I SAY? I&I hope the I have some idea about when Rasta speak of the FIRE. It is not about sitting and SMOKING GIANT GANJA SPLIFF or DRAWING PON THE CHALLICE'( although that does sound quite nice at this time, YES I)BURNIN" AWAY the BASE, Material, Ignorance, Mis guidedness, wickedness, GOIN to SELASSIE I with ALL I HEART and BLAZIN' burning Out any DOubt, FEAR, or WILL of The SELF. ALL FOCUS on SELASSIE I. SEEN? COMIN" TO an Overstanding , A "RISING" to the HIGHEST of HIGHTS. AS SELASSIE I SAID. REACHING the SUMIT of THY OWN BEING. (that is somewhat paraphrased.) The message is always the same. SO when the I comes with this GEE WIZ MAN I THOUGHT YOU LOVE. RASTAFARI DEAL with the REAL LOVE that is True weather the I see it True or not. The reality is SELASSIE I the POWER of THE TRINITY. DOes THE I SEE ANY one else that is With the TITLE Him Get from CHRIST 2000 years ago. Man it is True that is what the I wants to know. But then the I must ask WHAT is TRUE? LOL then the I will be faced with being chosen. Many are called but few are chosen. SEEN? Who is doing the choosen. That is when I&I say toGO WITHIN. BE AS STILL as the I can be,stop talking and telling JAH what the I wants or needs and LISTEN to What JAH SAY.
THE BEST ADVISE I&I have to give to thee I after SEEIng what is going on here is too go to the Link on this site and read all the I can read on HIM and Where He Came from and perhaps the I will SEE HE come from ZION. search in the books for the I's answer. then For 7 days starting on SATURDAY ( nature's true SABATH). Find a quiet spot, Relax, close the eyes and the mind and Listen. If thee is Rasta the I will hear the call. Remember, do not call on RASTAFARI unless the I really means it. it is no Joke and the FIRE will BURN HOT. Everyone goes into the FIRE, but only those who have the faith will come out un touched. Now there may be some Yellin' and Ouchin' but the cleanin' process from the FIRE does get HOT, some times I&I Have to SHOUT JAH RASTAFARI! SELASSIE I! FYAH BURN!. They will run to the rocks but the rocks will be melting, the scripture say. FYAH BURN! There is nowhere to hide , so it is best to REALIZE everyone MUST come through the FATHER. It is not something a bunch of STONED COLLEGE HIPPIES Made Up, this is SO REAL when people SEE I&I on the Street they FEEL "DREAD" I say nothing and I&I see the fear in ther eyes. I&I usually smilin and laughing at Life Singing and they still shrivil up when they pass I&I, Iman just smile and say One Love things COOL with us and JAH. or something like that. they feel even more shook up.LOL. I man LOVE LOVE is I HEart SO, I man LOVE.I LOVE JAH I LOVE I&I RASTAFARI. JAH put his Love in I&I heart so I could carry it everywhere to everyone. NOW why would I&I put the light under the table. YES I the LIVING BOOK. SEEN?
Listen and Trust what is in the Heart do not give into the tricks that are being played before thee. There has been a Spell cast on Our people. Man check in. It is TIME to AWAKE and RISE. WHY now? JAH SAY SO. Not the POPE or the President or BABylon QUEEN.
JAH, HIS MAJESTY. Man that is something that can not be Learned in a book is what I&I am sayin'. I&I am DONE with this and have shown LOVE and Respect. It makes I&I laugh when someone comes into this HOUSE or in town and says , I thought rastas are about peace and Love. Man that tells I one thing for sure. The eyes are open but the HEART is FAST ASLEEP. WAKE UP, If the I leaves this house with ONE thing TRY TO STAY AWAKE.
REMEMBER when we see the Black ROSE We know the TIME is NEAR, YES I.
Peter Tosh say every body wants to go to heaven but none want to die. What do the I think heaven is. heaven is having the REALIZATION that JAH live and LIVE WITHIN I&I. SO To recieve it we must DIE in the sense that we must give our will to JAH. Someday our body will decay and burn away from the cire it creates. but the REality will always live.
Listen to what these RAS and QUEENS are telling the I or go on to the next thing. Was not the door open when the I came here. well the door will be open if thee chooses to leave. Leave with something not still dreamin' Every thing has its purpose. Religions, movements, books, reasoning sessions, school, all are spawned by the Power of Love the Love to Learn and KNow the Truth and Now that It comes noone wants to Know it. I&I Have NO BELIEFS, or a Religion. I&I Live by the GRACE of JAH RASTAFARI SELASSIE I. that is I purpose , to have a Life of Purpose.SEEN? It is not for I to know everydetail of I&I future, JAH has a plan for I and I&I know that if I follow any thing else but H.I.M. it is not the REAL PLAN. and for that I am GLAD.

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Haile Selassie I