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speech of H.I.M at Sanfrancisco

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Time Zone: EST (New York, Toronto)
Messenger: Ras power Sent: 11/16/2008 12:26:44 AM

almost six years ago on September the first 1st in 1939 Hitler’s Germany attacked Poland. for many people in the world- perhaps for mast, this fearful day was held as marking the beginning of the second great world war.

latter, with the wider perspective that the years of battle have afforded, many have come to realize what we in Ethiopia and our great ally in the east hard learn so bitterly, the war in all it’s significance had started many years before.

We are celebrating today the redemption of the world through the sacrifice of human life.
We pray for the foundation of world peace which may now be laid in all those lands whose people were victims of aggression.

And so in a month already fought with great significance for us and our country in Ethiopia, we join in special gratitude together with the representatives and members of the united nations of our allies, in solemn thanks before Almighty God for victory.

Germany is defeated. That vast horror and the tribulation of the war- which we foresaw-which we forewarned before the League of Nations- has ceased for Europe

The suble gradual moves by the Axis partners, piece by piece to swallow up the world, offer a fearful catalogue which we may well this day recall.

Following her attack upon Manchuria and different annexation Japan was finally at war with China in 1937.

In 1936 Italy attack and invaded our Empire. In 1939 on good Friday she invaded Albania. In 1938. Hitler annexed Astira and only to move on to Czechoslovakia and in 1939 to parts of Lithuania. Despite all this until her attack on Poland in September of that year, no general war was recognize by the world.

The attack on Poland brought the governments of Britain and France to her defense, but other hesitated until with the great German offensive of 1940 more lands were overrun.

First Denmark, then Norway fell, with the final attack on France, Luxembourg, Belgium, and the Netherlands were occupied.

Italy seeking further glory boastfully joined the conflict an entry into the war described by the great and lamented leader the late president Roosevelt as” stabbing in the back” a description which will remain in history and human memory forever.

She invaded Greece in October 1940, but Greece, inspired by her tradition of her people’s courage and their independence, all but shattered Mussolini’s troops. On the verge of defeat, Italy appealed for help and to be rescued by her partner Germany, who took the opportunity to take in Yugoslavia on the way. In June 1941 Germany in contravention to her treaty, attacked the mighty Soviet Union. The satellites Hungry, Romania and Bulgaria thought it best to join the axis group.

By December of that year the Japanese attacked pearl harbor bringing the United States into the conflict.

Thus in a few short months, when we were struggling for and as we gained our freedom once again the greater part of the world was drawn into the holocaust of war._ the war against the fascist was our war.

Ten years ago, when Mussolini’s Italy attack our empire most of people the world- even would hazard, most individuals of the league of nations were in fullest sympathy with us.

After Belgium and Czechoslovakia were over run by Germany they were accused by Mussolini for helping Ethiopia by providing arms. But in the end, delay, decision and consideration of the world prevailed. Help did not come . We speak now without bitterness about that time. We can appreciate that true idealism may have lead to these policies, now indeed regrettable by the world and now admitted as disastrous of “peace at any price” and of “appeasement.”

Nethertheless we pray that the unity and the strength behind the unity, which failed before, will never lack again among the councils of the world. We also pray for wisdom to be granted to the conference at sanfrancisco now discussing world security and that it shall finally achieve result that shall be just to all nations of the world.

At this time the aggressor and the persecutor are receiving their reward. It is they who are being driven out, while those they had oppressed and persecuted can now begin to wipe their tears. Distorted history is changed to truth. The light of justice draws again.

Throughout the years of tribulation, we have learned the need for unity. In those first faithful days in 1939, by no means all those nations who, together, have now gained the victory, here were then convinced that each and all must hang together or must fail. When almost too late, after the resistance of Great Britain following the epic of Dunkirk hope had been brought once again into the world, the larger spirit grew.

The governments and Empires of those countries who were over run but not defeated, joined their lot with Britain, symbolized in the inspirational leader of their great leader- president Roosevelt- so recently so tragically dead. The people of the United States of America joined their spirit through lease land.

The dastardly attacks upon the Soviet Union and upon pearl harbor finally crystallized the realization that this menace was world wide.

Here to we may recall the first allied victory of this war. The victory by which the solders of Great Britain and her commonwealth fighting together with our patriots brought freedom back to Ethiopia. By her resisting to the Italians in 1935 Ethiopia was the first actively to oppose the forces of the axis on the continent of Africa. For five years Ethiopian patriots maintained the fight to such effect that when the world war was spread to Africa their forces of resistance were already marshaled.

With the British they expelled the enemy from Ethiopia. One threat which menaced Egypt and the Sudan was ended. The victories in Africa two years ago made surely more sure.

When Italy surrendered- then was our oppressor humbled.

Those who attacked us rejoice in our defeat and in our tribulation. We trusted in the lord. He gave us victory. Our salvation is the Lord. Who here can fail to trust in God? Whose judgments are all righteous and who fail not those who put their faith in him. Has not the Lord, the mightier than the mighty, once again revealed that under the kingdom of heaven no one government of man is greater than another.

May it be taken as divine significance, that as we mark the passing of the Nazi Reich in America at sanfrancisco delegates from all United Nations among whose number Ethiopia stands, are now met together for their long planed conference to lay the foundation for an international pact to banish war and to maintain peace.

His Imperial Majesty VICTORY SPEECH

Messenger: Ras power Sent: 12/5/2008 6:17:11 PM

Those who attacked us rejoice in our defeat and in our tribulation. We trusted in the lord. He gave us victory. Our salvation is the Lord. Who here can fail to trust in God? Whose judgments are all righteous and who fail not those who put their faith in him. Has not the Lord, the mightier than the mighty, once again revealed that under the kingdom of heaven no one government of man is greater than another.

May it be taken as divine significance, that as we mark the passing of the Nazi Reich in America at sanfrancisco delegates from all United Nations among whose number Ethiopia stands, are now met together for their long planed conference to lay the foundation for an international pact to banish war and to maintain peace

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