I keep hearing stuff about how people think Ras Tafari is some old prophet in Eithiopia because they don't understand the idea that God can leave the Earth and still be God. He did it two thousand years ago, why can't he do it now? I went and visited an old friend of mine earlier this year and he was telling me all about it. I was thinking that because Ras Tafari is such a new religion with so few followers that the persecution and lonliness gets to people so the thought of a flesh Selassie is like a security blanket or something.
I also keep seeing a lot of stuff about the star gods on the internet and some blasphemers are saying that Christ is the Egyptian sungod and some person even wrote about it on another RasTafari website I was on earlier.
Of all dissapointments I would have to say that my first and only visit to Reggae on the River was the biggest let down of my life. It was a bunch of roots reggae on stage performing for thousands of pagans on ecstacy. There were some real brethren and sistren there but the overall theme was a vomitorium orgy with Rastafari as the marketing tool.
And what about the Haile Selassie peace league in London who say that His Majesty is simply a prophet who taught Christianity? Don't they know that His Majesty is the true Christ.
When I see things like the rumors about His Majesty being an old prophet without a throne and people talking about His Majesty being the fish god of ancient Egypt I don't know what the world is coming to. I think I could go on for an hour about my confusion, but are any other Brethren and Sistren tired of the false prophets? Am I the only one who just can't take it anymore? I just read a poem about Rastafari the sungod and read a group of supposed Rastafarians talking about how they want to join the freemasons.
I know that there are many left who know the light of His Majesty, and it is a spiritual light and not sunlight. My first thought is to chant fire on these heathens one and all. I am also wondering if many just want to know about His Majesty and have no one to tell them. Doesn't everyone know that Haile Selassie the King of Eithiopia is the second coming of Christ that the world has been waiting for.
I wonder if it is time to make a real unification of true Rastafarians. The ones who will shout to the world that Selassie is the power of the Holy Trinity, the same spirit as Jesus Christ, the savior of the world who is the one and only true God. Selassie is not merely a prophet, he is the prophecy. He is not merely a Christian, he is the Christ. It's time that those who call themselves Rastafarians grow a pair and don't back down when it is time to speak the truth. There is no sungod, the sun is good but it is not God. Buddha is a false prophet, so is Mohammed, and paganism is the worse. Even Judaism is false because it does not acknowledge Christ as the Messiah. After the situation during the time of Solomon degenerated into something like Reggae on the River Jordan with idol worshipping and murder and orgies in the streets, God had enough and sent the Ark of the Covenant to Eithiopia which became the new Israel and the Kingdom of Solomon was crushed very soon after. Rastafarians are the true Jews. There is no other valid religion.
I know it can feel strange to tell your parents, friends, or classmates that you believe the short handsome King of Ethiopia is God, especially when you show them a picture and tell them that it is Jesus Christ on his visit to meet Richard Nixon and they look at you like you are crazy, but that's part of being a Rastafarian. I love showing people His Majesty's picture and saying "this is an actual picture of Jesus Christ." They always give a wonderful look.
Does anyone else have feelings like this? I hope this doesn't sound too unhappy but I often find myself frustrated and I'd like to know how others feel about these things. Selassie bless all. I'll stop before this turns into a book and hear what others have to say.