the enemy of my enemy is my friend, well not for me, i my take on history is diffrent.
there were in europe, three groups, kings, aristocrats,and the majority the pesants around the 13th century.
the black death came,which change the perception of how things are done, because the pesents had no right, they would work on land and get the minimum in return, food, place to sleep.
when the black death came killed 2/3 of the population, now when people wanted people to work, the peope could now make demands.
this lead to the reninance, of 1500s, to the year of enlightenment of the 1700s which brought the french revolution, which the french army under sperad a sort of democracy through out europe, and america had its war of independence; ethiopia also had it preparing of the king of kings.
world war 1 came,which call in the comming of the king, all the erth shall morn, (rev 1) which broke more of europe and world war two which finaly broke europe, establishing the authority of the king of kings,
it is jah who has power, no man do,