wow wow wow. I'm all kinda overwhelmed. I feel so upful about this sight... imagine that, across these distances!
Well, yeah... I second, or third, the ights about this new rising... not simply in relation to our little online tabernacle, but certainly in my own realm and around us. I mean, even here in the city in which I dwell in the UK... with this recession stuff being spoken of (er, can I get a witness that we the people have been in recession shituation, long time... haha to the heathen who haven't had the opportunity to get used to it... welcome to the penny pinchers club... heh heh)... anyway, I'm sure most of us out here in the madern world have noticed the de-socialisation of the general masses. People are rude, impatient, etc, etc. This is certainly still true. But, I don't know whether it is this recession propaganda or what... but over the recent little while, amongst the same rudeness and awfulness, I have been witnessing little glows of real humanity again, like random examples of genuine human kindness, not just towards myself... but like, where bus drivers are horribly rude in this town, I saw one the other day who was very exceptionally gracious.
Ras KebreAb, I really sight what thee I is referring to. I wonder if we may dare to suggest that the defining line has been drawn, or is being defined, and those on the wicked side shall only get worse and worse and worse until they expend themselves... and the good and gracious shall rise? Who knows how prophecy shall manifest.
Relating to part of the reasoning by Ark-I... the same incient who reasoned with I about Israel being difficult to lead... when InI was speaking with Her (an Incient RasTa womban with grey locs to her calves (I got to see them, even though she is Bobo Empress, so they remain wrapped, but we were in private) - I was like *GASP... I know. I'm very blessed, don't start me... I get a big ball of air in my chest) So I was asking her whether in her ageable wisemind can she just tell by looking at someone if they are Christ, if they are Israel... and she was like, yup (figures). But she continued to say that even those who may not be Israel can flock to build the hive, but they can't inject the honey because they are not bees. That was what she said... the reasoning stayed with me... and I am still deciphering the fullness of meaning. But, I sight it is relevant to something Ark-I is saying.
Give thanks for the gathering.