yes The faith within our conscious is what is lived out in life, thats why bible set us free, it fills us with faith and with our faith awake and conscious , the word becomes manifest.....Babylon jus fillin people heads with no-faith, doubt in god, sensuality, pleasure seeking attitudes and outlooks, flooding the mainstream with a ignorant perception of life.
So the faith will set us free because as we believe so we are. What one believes in they do. And babylonians seem to believe in what the main stream is doing jus because the majority is doing it they are mis-led that it is right. Its bondage if we are being programed and running off a belief systym and functioning in any other way than Jah made is to be. but they make the people feel comfortable in slavery, mental and physically and spiritually with entertainment and druged up artificial devil foods.
Shun the evil company lest they fill our heads with their filthy talk of non-sense foolishness.
SANCTIFY....RASTAFRI SACTIFY , come out of babylon. Come out , enter ZION FOREVER MORE.. Seek the highest vibrations...Dont take company of ingorant people that wont listen to jahs words and deny to repent, deny everything they do besides doubt.
spend time with nature, mother earth, fill mind with the speech of the rivers and wind and bird songs, not the non-sense of fallen man.
take company with angels and only with humans that repent and change for the better of jahs will.
The mind is filled(content) with whatever is in the context(environment)(surroundings). So cant change that, but with jah we can control with jah the Most high, I and I where we roam and what we fill our minds with. there are choices that put us in better and higher places where jahs light will fill us.
hear the proverbs in bible suggesting to use faith to led us to life giving places and not lose our life but make choices that support our faith and place us in the places faith will take us.