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Messenger: Ten Sent: 2/14/2008 12:36:28 PM

I'd like to know the opinions of ones and ones concerning Valentine's Day. Do you celebrate it? If yes why, if not why? Historically its seen as pagan tradition of the Babylon, but has it changed from that? What about love traditions in our own indigenous cultures similar to Valentine's Day, how do ones and ones feel about those?
Blessed Love

Messenger: Ras Mikael Iseedoor Sent: 2/14/2008 1:34:02 PM

14th February - a good day for sharing Love, just like every other day of InI Life.

Messenger: ras will-i Sent: 2/15/2008 8:49:12 PM

yes i, i and i truly believe in inity and righteousness, valentines day is complete form of babylon,why must i and i have a certain day to celrbrate love respect and inity,seen

Messenger: Gizzmo Sent: 3/26/2008 5:46:38 PM

I don't celebrate valentines day,it's just a way for hallmark and sorted candies to rob you blind.In most babylon holidays it's all about making the richman richer,so I never participate in such strangeness.

Like said above:I don't need a special day to tell me to love,I spread love everyday.

Messenger: king africanlion Sent: 2/15/2013 2:29:27 AM

14th February - a good day for sharing Love, just like every other day of InI Life.

Messenger: king africanlion Sent: 2/15/2013 2:30:31 AM

mo fire

Messenger: Baba Sent: 2/15/2013 5:44:39 AM

InI dont celebrate dat day, because its a roman catholic thing...
an nowadays its just biznizz...
We have to spread love everyday, not just once a year!


Messenger: chica Sent: 2/15/2013 7:41:51 PM

What I have been taught from history books is that there was once a Pope named Valentine who went against the grain of the reigning authority of his day and married men and women. Apparently the Cesar of that time would not allow any man to marry unless he agreed to join his army. So for those who would not join, they had to marry in secret. Valentine was the one marrying them. Valentine eventually got caught and was jailed. A young woman who had come to admire him wrote him letters while he was imprisoned and addressed them: My Dear Valentine... That's how the tradition began. I'm not sure why the date February 14 was chosen. Perhaps it was the dae of Valentine's birth... or death. I see nothing wrong with celebrating a day of love. Many people choose not to because they think it is about spending money and buying Hallmark cards. It does not have to be about that at all. A walk in the park, a massage, making a homemade card, singing a love song when you know you can't carry a tune, scheduling "alone time" with your special someone... these are the ways I like to celebrate Valentine's day.

Messenger: Muslimfari777 Sent: 2/15/2013 9:22:57 PM

Abrahamic, Pagan, doesn't matter because Valentines day is probably one of the most stupid holidays ever. Just created for commercialism and false love. If you really love your lover then why not give them what really matters and show how much you have love for them.

Messenger: zion mountain Sent: 2/16/2013 3:34:27 AM

Valentine's Day was a day for fornication,adultery and other sexual immoralities.BURN IT!!!

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