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Messenger: anonymous Sent: 9/23/2014 4:20:05 PM

I a white rasta from finland.(upcoming)
and i hate racists and i love rasta culture as religion and as a way of life. ganja is illegal here in finland and makes it hard to connect with jah. i been a vegetarian all my life. i age is 16 and i might become a rasta. if i will i intend to grow a long dreadlocks and break babylon. peace.

(this is i first thread/post in here)

Messenger: RAS NATE Sent: 9/23/2014 4:51:36 PM

Greetings Anonymous,

First and foremost no one can just "become" RasTafarI.
It is either you are Rasta and find out at some point in life (if you aren't raised so) and are born again so to say leaving corrupt worldly thoughts deeds and energy behind as you grow in the trod and Inecct to the Most High Haile I king Selassie I.

Also most Rasta use the herb but Inecction to JAH is possible without it.
RasTa trod isn't just about the seen like dreadlocks or smoking herb but it's about a balance between the Iritual inner and physical external.And just to remind RasTafarI is one of the names of Emperor Haile Selassie I who is the center of the existence of InI trod and life.


Messenger: anonymous Sent: 9/23/2014 4:58:46 PM

i think i have found the point in my life as a rastafari and sorry for the "i think i might become a rasta" i meant im n progress of reborning as a rasta

and i do know that rastafari is one of selassies names and as personal i think i know alot of rastafarian way of life
in finland we still can buy cannabis seeds but its illegal to grow them
and i just bought 1 week ago 2 books on growing cannabis

Messenger: RAS NATE Sent: 9/23/2014 5:21:45 PM


And one day you will know whether you are RasTafarI or not and only YOU alone can know this.The most important thing is to be honest to oneself and know oneself.

JAH Reigns

Messenger: anonymous Sent: 9/23/2014 5:24:56 PM

thanks for i post i appreciate it and yes only i can know when i rasta and i wouldnt claim to be a rasta if i realy wouldnt be. ilbe honest to myself. thanks and bless

Messenger: anonymous Sent: 9/23/2014 6:08:24 PM

Messenger: JAH Child Sent: 9/23/2014 6:58:57 PM

Greetings and love I,
Most High guidance in realizing the right path, whatever that individual journey may be.
If there are any questions about Ras TafarI livity or about Haile Selassie I HIMself, this forum is a great place to find education from wise Queens and Kings.
I know sometimes questions can get missed in the forums; if so, or if there is any thing the I want to ask privately, Iwombman am available to chat in email -
Also, I know the name is "anonymous" but is there anything that I&I can use to be more personal?
Thanks for coming forward in the forums, it is a bless-sing to greet the I.
One love.

Messenger: Ras NazIr Sent: 9/23/2014 9:12:29 PM

The I can Innect with InI at anytime for any reason. InI am available through the forum's email. Or at I will then be able to email directly with the I. Also, if the I has a Facebook I am on there aswell. Ras NazIr Cohen.

InI look forward to answering and helping with all the I's questions, to the best of I-man abilities. Look forward to hearing from the I soon.

May JAH Itinually bless the I, in the beginning of this trod.

Selassie I. JAH RastafarI

Messenger: anonymous Sent: 9/24/2014 12:20:29 AM

thanks for the kind posts its estimated that there is 100-200 rastafaris in finland so i pleased that i found this community of rastas
otherwise i would take along time to find a rastafriend

Messenger: anonymous Sent: 9/24/2014 7:23:01 AM

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